Thursday 15 December 2011

My Call sheets for my finished Images.

Photography Call Sheet

Title of shot;

My first image is called, ‘Alone with the flames’

This was composed by Landan Cerff

The shot was taken on the 28th of November 2011

It was shot at 5:20pm, just after the sun had set fully.

It was shot in my back garden, on my patio.

This image was simple, using a small scale model, and a few twigs, I had an idea about making a man in solitude standing by a massive bonfire, the only light around the area, as he was the only person around. I made everything up as it was still light, then when it got dark, using lighter fluid, I lit the little fire and snapped away! 

All I needed were a few twigs, bit of newspaper, and a 00gauge model railway figure, a lighter and lighter fluid to set the twigs on fire in no time.

I used Photoshop CS5.1 in order to edit the images, and a Canon 550D with a Tamron extreme macro lens.

This image is solely about a single man, with the only light in the darkness, keeping himself warm, and safe. It almost has a medieval feel to it, as fire was their only protection from the darkness; it represents the character as a lonely man, trying to keep warm and safe.

This is a clear representative that the person (figure) is in solitude.  

The lighting for this image was entirely from the fire, there was no other light in order to create the image.  

The photo involved the use of a tripod, with a low F number of f/2.8 so that the fire light is taken in. I used a high shutter speed of 1/120 in order to capture the flame at a standstill, but at the same time, not effecting the lighting too much. The ISO was set to 200, this was so the noise was at a minimum, but also so that the light is not going to be over exposed.

The equipment I needed for this shot were;

Canon 550D,
A 28mm EF f/2.8 lens.
00Gauge model figures.

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